Friday, February 27, 2009

My First Blog.

Ahh here i m finally writing my first blog. There is tension, excitement, nervousness and what not. It took me quite sometime selecting the font , the colour, the layout and i am sure i haven't selected the best one ... I have been reading blogs for a long time now and that is one thing i have really appreciated . Jotting your thoughts isnt really an easy job ...well ask me.. Using the right words , speaking your mind out to "you dnt know how many" people.. all this is not a cake walk. Hmmmm you know now i m feelinng a lil better i am actually writing a blog. Somehow that always has been on emy mind for a long long time n some how for" God only knows what reason" i have always delayed doing it,
In my very first blog i really dont have anything to discuss ,to tell or wait lemme think... i think i have soo much that i shouldnt mix that with my first very blog. But i think i can surely introduce myself or atleast try to...
" About me",, this is what i come across in almost every social networking site on the web. I really wonder if one can accurately describe oneslf in say 12oo odd words..
So anyways lemme tell you all something about me... friendly, extremely lazy, dhandrat :( i cannot remember the exact english word for it.),talkative, indecisive, moody, ............................ have some really wierd complexes .. like what.. hahhaha i always feel that if i happen to meet an acquaintace (this also includes a phone call, adding people on the networking site, visiting people..) that person will surely not recognize me .. and then there are many more and i wudnt want to disclose it...
So ya i think my first blog has been much longer than i had imagined.. Hope evryone finds it atleast worth one reading , hope i was good with my words, hope i have more to write..." Hope" Hope is a good , may be the best of things and no good thing ever dies.....